
The High Line

Time flies. Even for infrastructure projects by world-renowned architects like Otto Wagner. The Wiener Stadtbahn, Vienna's first major public transport train system, was introduced in 1898. Operated by steam locomotives initially, the tracks are used by metro trains today. However, between the neighborhoods of Spittelau and Heiligenstadt lies an elevated line that was taken out of service in 1996. Although protected as a landmark, it is left to decay. The series „The High Line“ illustrates the tension between design and development of urban infrastructure in the course of time. Photographs, however, can never be more than snapshots. New York's eponymous High Line has shown us that today's dilapidated buildings can shine in new splendor tomorrow.

  • The High Line 100

    from 1.050,00
  • The High Line 101

    from 1.050,00
  • The High Line 102

    from 1.050,00
  • The High Line 103

    from 1.050,00
  • The High Line 104

    from 1.050,00
  • The High Line 105

    from 1.050,00
  • The High Line 106

    from 1.050,00
  • The High Line 107

    from 1.050,00
  • The High Line 108

    from 1.050,00
  • The High Line 109

    from 1.050,00
  • The High Line 110

    from 1.050,00
  • The High Line 111

    from 1.050,00
  • The High Line 112

    from 1.050,00
  • The High Line 113

    from 1.050,00

© Florian Hirzinger

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